Thursday, October 28, 2021


Makes no sense

      As opposed to other types of roofs, a shed roof has a single slope that can vary in steepness depending on its design. That is the type of roof chosen by the architects for the proposed Comeau addition.

     Woodstock annually gets about 48 inches of rain and 51 inches of snow; 10 inches of melted snow or one inch of rain equates to .64 of a gallon of water per square foot of roof, so that the runoff from a 2,800-square-foot roof would amount to approximately 1,800 gallons of water. What do you think would be the overall effect of the rain and snow runoff since the addition is only 10 feet away from the Comeau building and the roofs slant towards each other?


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Comeau Building Renovation

           Based upon the article in last week’s issue of HV1, it appears that the Comeau building has a good chance of qualifying for National Historic Register status. A status “which would give the town a lot of money to handle the renovation.” Which would save us taxpayers approximately $840,000 as well as the cost of maintenance and upkeep. However, the Comeau addition project as proposed “will kill any chance of our qualifying” for the funding. If you have any questions / comments please respond.